A Handful of Concealers

Concealer Colours

I’ve been on the hunt for a good vegan and cruelty free concealer to use. I love my L.A. Girl Pro Conceal HD. High Definition Concealer in the Colour Fawn, but I wanted to try new products and discover some vegan alternatives. (Why do the give makeup products such long names?) Continue reading

Make Up Wish List

Make Up Wish List.png

Shayla  X ColourPop Collection

It seems like a great palette and collection for summer. One eyeshadow palette, three lipsticks, two highlighters and a lip gloss. Unfortunately, it is only sold in the US. Hopefully it is sold by a third party in the UK. It is part of my Wish List, but I may realistically never get a chance to get it. Continue reading

DIY Acne.org Regimen + My Acne Story

I first started to get acne when I entered secondary school. It started to get really bad around Year 9. It wasn’t just the acne, but the hyper-pigmentation and scars. I was really self conscious about it and hated taking pictures. I don’t have so many pictures from that time, because I disliked pictures so much. I had two streaks of hyper-pigmentation down my eyes, which made it look like I’d just been crying. “Read More” tag! Continue reading